Results for 'B. Bock Bettina'

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  1.  13
    Fallacies of Virtualization: A Case Study of Farming, Manure, Landscapes, and Dutch Rural Policy.Bettina B. Bock & Wiebren J. Boonstra - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (4):427-448.
    The recent rapprochement between Science and Technology Studies and Political Science is induced by the broadened understanding of political action. The debate concerning the nature of ``the political'' produces an important question concerning the possibilities of an issue- or object-oriented focus for understanding political action. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this debate through an analysis of how relations between material and social entities are continuously recontextualized and decontextualized in social and political interaction. The authors discuss established (...)
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  2. Social acceptance of dairy farming: The ambivalence between the two faces of modernity.K. Boogaard Birgit, B. Bock Bettina, J. Oosting Simon, S. C. Wiskerke Johannes & J. der Zijpp Akkvane - forthcoming - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
    Society’s relationship with modern animal farming is an ambivalent one: on the one hand there is rising criticism about modern animal farming; on the other hand people appreciate certain aspects of it, such as increased food safety and low food prices. This ambivalence reflects the two faces of modernity: the negative (exploitation of nature and loss of traditions) and the positive (progress, convenience, and efficiency). This article draws on a national survey carried out in the Netherlands that aimed at gaining (...)
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  3. Social Acceptance of Dairy Farming: The Ambivalence Between the Two Faces of Modernity. [REVIEW]Birgit K. Boogaard, Bettina B. Bock, Simon J. Oosting, Johannes S. C. Wiskerke & Akke J. van der Zijpp - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (3):259-282.
    Society’s relationship with modern animal farming is an ambivalent one: on the one hand there is rising criticism about modern animal farming; on the other hand people appreciate certain aspects of it, such as increased food safety and low food prices. This ambivalence reflects the two faces of modernity: the negative (exploitation of nature and loss of traditions) and the positive (progress, convenience, and efficiency). This article draws on a national survey carried out in the Netherlands that aimed at gaining (...)
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    Unpacking gender mainstreaming: a critical discourse analysis of agricultural and rural development policy in Myanmar and Nepal.Dawn D. Cheong, Bettina Bock & Dirk Roep - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    Conventional gender analysis of development policy does not adequately explain the slow progress towards gender equality. Our research analyses the gender discourses embedded in agricultural and rural development policies in Myanmar and Nepal. We find that both countries focus on increasing women’s participation in development activities as a core gender equality policy objective. This creates a binary categorisation of participating versus non-participating women and identifies women as responsible for improving their position. At the same time, gender (in)equality is defined exclusively (...)
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    Temporalities of reproduction: practices and concepts from the eighteenth to the early twenty-first century.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, Christina Brandt, Susanne Lettow & Florence Vienne - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (1):1-16.
  6.  28
    The periodic tableau: Form and colours in the first 100 years.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):379-404.
    While symbolic colour use has always played a conspicuous role in science research and education, the use of colour in historic diagrams remains a lacuna in the history of science. Investigating the colour use in diagrams often means uncovering a whole cosmology that is not otherwise explicit in the diagram itself. The periodic table is a salient and iconic example of non-mimetic colour use in science. Andreas von Antropoff's (1924) rectangular table of recurrent rainbow colours is famous, as are Alcindo (...)
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    Beschriften, Wiederfinden und Reaktivieren: Die Rolle von Objektträgeretiketten im Auffindsystem am Beispiel von Alzheimers Auguste‐D.‐Präparaten.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (3):247-270.
    Labeling, Recovering and Reactivating: The Role of Labels on Microscope Slides in the Finding System on the Basis of Alzheimer's Auguste D. Preparations. This study discusses the role of labels in the process of the reactivation of preparations. Labels on slides together with corresponding lists on cards or sheets build what is here called a specific finding system. In the sciences of the archive the disciplinary memory together with such a finding system are the basis to the ability of the (...)
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  8.  3
    University Policy Activism in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology: The Mittelbau Working Group.Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, David Freis, Nadine Metzger, Christian Sammer, Alexander von Schwerin, Heiko Stoff & Florence Vienne - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (3):289-296.
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  9. Measuring consumers' ethical position in austria, Britain, brunei, Hong Kong, and USA.Charles C. Cui, Vince Mitchell, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & Bettina Cornwell - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (1):57 - 71.
    Previous studies have found Forsyth’s Ethical Position Questionnaire (EPQ) to vary between countries, but none has made a systematic evaluation of its psychometric properties across consumers from many countries. Using confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group LISREL analysis, this paper explores the factor structure of the EPQ and the measurement equivalence in five societies: Austria, Britain, Brunei, Hong Kong and USA. The results suggest that the modified scale, measuring idealism and relativism, was applicable in all five societies. Equivalence was found across (...)
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  10.  17
    Localization and Identification of Brain Microstructural Abnormalities in Paediatric Concussion.David Stillo, Ethan Danielli, Rachelle A. Ho, Carol DeMatteo, Geoffrey B. Hall, Nicholas A. Bock, John F. Connolly & Michael D. Noseworthy - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    In the United States, approximately 2.53 million people sustain a concussion each year. Relative to adults, youth show greater cognitive deficits following concussion and a longer recovery. An accurate and reliable imaging method is needed to determine injury severity and symptom resolution. The primary objective of this study was to characterize concussions with diffusion tensor imaging. This was performed through a normative Z-scoring analysis of DTI metrics, fractional anisotropy, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity, to quantify patient-specific injuries and identify commonly (...)
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  11.  33
    Rezension: Differenz und Vererbung. Geschlechterordnungen in der Genetik und Hormonforschung 1890–1950 von Helga Satzinger. [REVIEW]Bettina Bock V. Wülfingen - 2010 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 33 (4):440-441.
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    Circulation of Coronavirus Images: Helping Social Distancing?Bettina Bock von Wülfingen - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (2-3):259-282.
    As soon as the SARS‐Cov2 disease was recognized by experts to potentially cause a serious pandemic, a three dimensional diagrammatic image of the virus, colored in strong red, conquered public media globally.This study confronts this iconic virus image with a historic image analysis of 33,000 biomedical articles on coronaviruses published between 1968–2020 and interviews with some of their authors.Only a small fraction of scientific virus publications entail images of the complete virus. Red as an alarm color is not used at (...)
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  13.  23
    Patterning, Reading, and Executive Functions.Allison M. Bock, Kelly B. Cartwright, Patrick E. McKnight, Allyson B. Patterson, Amber G. Shriver, Britney M. Leaf, Mandana K. Mohtasham, Katherine C. Vennergrund & Robert Pasnak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Bettina G. Bergo, Bernard Boxill, Matthew B. Crawford, Patrick Croskery, Michael J. Degnan, Paul Graham, Kenneth Kipnis, Avery H. Kolers, Henry S. Richardson & David S. Weberman - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):884-889.
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    Multiple explanations in Darwinian evolutionary theory.Walter J. Bock - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1):65-79.
    Variational evolutionary theory as advocated by Darwin is not a single theory, but a bundle of related but independent theories, namely: (a) variational evolution; (b) gradualism rather than large leaps; (c) processes of phyletic evolution and of speciation; (d) causes for the formation of varying individuals in populations and for the action of selective agents; and (e) all organisms evolved from a common ancestor. The first four are nomological-deductive explanations and the fifth is historical-narrative. Therefore evolutionary theory must be divided (...)
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  16. Social Dimensions in CPS & IoT Based Automated Production Systems.Hind B. El-Haouzi, Etienne Valette, Bettina-Johanna Krings & António Moniz - 2021 - Societies 11 (3):98.
    Since the 1970s, the application of microprocessor in industrial machinery and the development of computer systems have transformed the manufacturing landscape. The rapid integration and automation of production systems have outpaced the development of suitable human design criteria, creating a deepening gap between humans and systems in which human was seen as an important source of errors and disruptions. Today, the situation seems different: the scientific and public debate about the concept of Industry 4.0 has raised awareness about the central (...)
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    Wild or Farmed? Seeking Effective Science in a Controversial Environment.Stephen Bocking - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):48.
    Arguments implicating nature and science can arise in the most unlikely places. At the supermarket smoked salmon awaits shoppers: chinook salmon from British Columbia, and Atlantic salmon from B.C., New Brunswick, or Norway. They are priced the same, and look similar, but embedded in their diverse provenance is a controversy thirty years in the making. The “wild” chinook salmon were caught in the open ocean; the “farmed” Atlantic salmon were raised in pens in coastal inlets. The distinction has spawned an (...)
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  18.  13
    G.W.F. Hegel: Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik.Birgit Sandkaulen-Bock (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    In seinen Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik hat Hegel einen der wichtigsten und wirkmächtigsten Beiträge zur Ästhetik und Philosophie der Kunst entwickelt. Von der systematischen Klärung der Idee des Schönen über die geschichtliche Unterscheidung der symbolischen, klassischen und romantischen Kunstform bis hin zur Darstellung der einzelnen Künste (Architektur, Skulptur, Malerei, Musik, Poesie) werden alle relevanten Aspekte entfaltet und miteinander vernetzt. Eindrucksvoll ist nicht nur Hegels plastischer Zugriff auf die Fülle konkreten Materials. Bedeutsam ist vor allem sein kulturphilosophischer Ansatz, der die Kunst (...)
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    Does observed fertility maximize fitness among New Mexican men?Hillard S. Kaplan, Jane B. Lancaster, Sara E. Johnson & John A. Bock - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (4):325-360.
    Our objective is to test an optimality model of human fertility that specifies the behavioral requirements for fitness maximization in order (a) to determine whether current behavior does maximize fitness and, if not, (b) to use the specific nature of the behavioral deviations from fitness maximization towards the development of models of evolved proximate mechanisms that may have maximized fitness in the past but lead to deviations under present conditions. To test the model we use data from a representative sample (...)
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  20.  19
    Prenuclear L∗+H Activates Alternatives for the Accented Word.Bettina Braun & María Biezma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:440224.
    Previous processing studies have shown that constituents that are prosodically marked as focus lead to an activation of alternatives. We investigate the processing of constituents that are prosodically marked as contrastive topics. In German, contrastive topics are prosodically realized by prenuclear L*+H accents. Our study tests a) whether prenuclear accents (as opposed to nuclear accents) are able to activate contrastive alternatives, b) whether they do this in the same way as constituents prosodically marked as focus with nuclear accents do, which (...)
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  21.  27
    Philosophiedidaktik und Bildungsphilosophie: Kontroversen und neue Aufgaben.Bettina Bussmann (ed.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Die Philosophiedidaktik ist eine herausfordernde Disziplin. In ihrer Aufgabe als Vermittlungs- und Reflexionswissenschaft muss sie Entwicklungen der aktuellen Philosophie berücksichtigen, auf die komplexen Veränderungen unserer Lebenswelt reagieren, die Herausforderungen des Lernorts Schule ernst nehmen und die Erkenntnisse wesentlicher Bezugsdisziplinen einbeziehen. Diese Vernetzungsaufgabe verlangt nach systematischen philosophiedidaktischen Untersuchungen für die Lehrkräfteausbildung. Ziel dieses Bandes ist die Analyse und Diskussion der philosophischen, fachdidaktischen und bildungstheoretischen Fragestellungen einer Reihe komplexer Herausforderungen, die für die Ausbildung an der Hochschule, im Referendariat sowie in der Fort- (...)
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    Target Rules for Public Choice Economies on Tree Networks and in Euclidean Spaces.Bettina Klaus - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (1):13-29.
    We consider the problem of choosing the location of a public facility either (a) on a tree network or (b) in a Euclidean space. (a) (1996) characterize the class of target rules on a tree network by Pareto efficiency and population-monotonicity. Using Vohra's (1999) characterization of rules that satisfy Pareto efficiency and replacement-domination, we give a short proof of the previous characterization and show that it also holds on the domain of symmetric preferences. (b) The result obtained for model (a) (...)
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  23.  17
    Individual Differences in Personality Moderate the Effects of Perceived Group Deprivation on Violent Extremism: Evidence From a United Kingdom Nationally Representative Survey.Bettina Rottweiler & Paul Gill - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:790770.
    Numerous studies argue that perceived group deprivation is a risk factor for radicalization and violent extremism. Yet, the vast majority of individuals, who experience such circumstances do not become radicalized. By utilizing models with several interacting risk and protective factors, the present analysis specifies this relationship more concretely. In a large United Kingdom nationally representative survey (n= 1,500), we examine the effects of group-based relative deprivation on violent extremist attitudes and violent extremist intentions, and we test whether this relationship is (...)
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  24.  43
    What's Next? Michael Crichton's and Mikhail Bulgakov's Criticism of Fetishism in the Life Sciences.Bettina Wahrig - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (2):167-183.
    What's Next? Michael Crichtons und Mikhail Bulgakovs Kritik der Fetischisierung in den Lebenswissenschaften. Dieser Beitrag wurde angeregt durch den Thriller Next (2006) von Michael Crichton. Im Gegensatz zu dessen State of Fear (2004), wo die Behandlung eines aktuellen wissenschaftspolitischen Problems – des Klimawandels – mit einer harschen Kritik am Umgang politischer Aktivisten mit wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen einhergeht, setzt Next Hoffnungen und Ängste ins Zentrum, die im Zusammenhang mit dem ‚Human Genome Project‘ verhandelt wurden. Crichton stellt hier wissenschaftlich‐ökonomische Verflechtungen dar, vor denen (...)
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    A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change. Casey Conerly and Robert B. Edgerton, eds. Blackwell Companions to Anthropology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. xxiii + 523 pp. [REVIEW]Philip K. Bock - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):1-4.
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    Measuring Unethical Consumer Behavior Across Four Countries.Vince W. Mitchell, George Balabanis, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & T. Bettina Cornwell - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):395-412.
    The huge amounts spent on store security and crime prevention worldwide, not only costs international businesses, but also amounts to a hidden tax on those law-binding consumers who bear higher prices. Most previous research has focused on shoplifting and ignored many other ways in which consumers cheat businesses. Using a hybrid of both qualitative research and survey approaches in four countries, an index of 37 activities was developed to examine consumers’ unethical activities across UK, US, France, and Austria. The findings (...)
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  27. Each year@ ogn&~ n is obliged to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. Without their cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high standards. We are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1989.J. Alegria, W. Badecker, M. Bar-Hillel, D. Bekerian, E. Bisiach, P. Bloom, K. Bock, G. Boolos, V. Bruce & B. Byrne - 1990 - Cognition 35:101.
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  28. A philosophical perspective on visualization for digital humanities.Hein Van Den Berg, Arianna Betti, Thom Castermans, Rob Koopman, Bettina Speckmann, K. A. B. Verbeek, Titia Van der Werf, Shenghui Wang & Michel A. Westenberg - 2018 - 3Rd Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities.
    In this position paper, we describe a number of methodological and philosophical challenges that arose within our interdisciplinary Digital Humanities project CatVis, which is a collaboration between applied geometric algorithms and visualization researchers, data scientists working at OCLC, and philosophers who have a strong interest in the methodological foundations of visualization research. The challenges we describe concern aspects of one single epistemic need: that of methodologically securing (an increase in) trust in visualizations. We discuss the lack of ground truths in (...)
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  29.  14
    Embedded Ethics in Practice: A Toolbox for Integrating the Analysis of Ethical and Social Issues into Healthcare AI Research.Theresa Willem, Marie-Christine Fritzsche, Bettina M. Zimmermann, Anna Sierawska, Svenja Breuer, Maximilian Braun, Anja K. Ruess, Marieke Bak, Franziska B. Schönweitz, Lukas J. Meier, Amelia Fiske, Daniel Tigard, Ruth Müller, Stuart McLennan & Alena Buyx - 2025 - Science and Engineering Ethics 31 (1):1-22.
    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into critical domains such as healthcare holds immense promise. Nevertheless, significant challenges must be addressed to avoid harm, promote the well-being of individuals and societies, and ensure ethically sound and socially just technology development. Innovative approaches like Embedded Ethics, which refers to integrating ethics and social science into technology development based on interdisciplinary collaboration, are emerging to address issues of bias, transparency, misrepresentation, and more. This paper aims to develop this approach further to enable future projects (...)
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    The Neural Implementation of Surgical Expertise Within the Mirror-Neuron System: An fMRI Study.Ellen Kok, Anique B. De Bruin, Koos van Geel, Andreas Gegenfurtner, Ide Heyligers & Bettina Sorger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31.  18
    Testing three coping strategies for time pressure in categorizations and similarity judgments.Florian I. Seitz, Bettina von Helversen, Rebecca Albrecht, Jörg Rieskamp & Jana B. Jarecki - 2023 - Cognition 233 (C):105358.
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  32. Weyma Lübbe: Nonaggregationismus.Annette Dufner & Bettina Schoene-Seifert - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (1):209-212.
    Weyma Lübbe is one of the most resolute contemporary critics of interpersonal welfare aggregation, as it lies at the heart of most consequentialist ethical theories. Her latest book is a rich extension of her numerous articles on this matter. The main object of criticism is the often-presumed moral relevance of welfare efficiency, for instance in rescue conflicts as they occur in health care systems with limited resources. The central philosophical starting point of her discussion is the ‘numbers debate’ introduced by (...)
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  33. Bettina Heintz. The inner world of mathematics. On the culture and practice of a proof-based discipline.B. Van Kerkhove - 2004 - Philosophia Mathematica 12 (1):69-74.
  34. Douris and the Painters of Greek Vases. By Edmond Pottier. Translated by Bettina Kahnweiler. With a preface by Jane Ellen Harrison. 9″ × 5½″. Pp. xvi + 92. 25 plates. London: John Murray, 1909. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]B. W. H. - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (04):136-.
  35.  35
    In search of new principles of development Biological Asymmetry and Handedness (1991). Ciba Symposium 162, ed. Gregory R. Bock AND Joan Marsh. John Wiley. PP.iX+327. £47.40 ISBN 0 471 92961 1. [REVIEW]J. B. Gurdon - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):427-427.
  36.  12
    Alexander Kraft 2019: Berliner Blau. Vom frühneuzeitlichen Pigment zum modernen Hightech-Material“ und „Bettina Bock von Wülfingen (Hg.) 2019: Science in Color. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge. [REVIEW]André Karliczek - 2021 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (4):507-512.
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]B. J. - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (4):445-492.
    Semantics of Detachment A Review of Burkhard Hasebrink, Susanne Bernhardt, and Imke Früh, eds., Semantik der Gelassenheit: Generierung, Etablierung, Transformation [Semantics of detachment: Formation, establishment, transformation] Silke Schwandt Beyond the Untranslatability of Concepts A Review of Martin J. Burke and Melvin Richter, eds., Why Concepts Matter: Translating Social and Political Thought László Kontler Emotional Modernities A Review of Ute Frevert, Monique Scheer, Anne Schmidt, Pascal Eitler, Bettina Hitzer, Nina Verheyen, Benno Gammerl, Christian Bailey, and Margrit Pernau, Gefühlswissen: Eine lexikalische (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]B. J. - 1978 - Studies in East European Thought 18 (1):445-492.
    Semantics of Detachment A Review of Burkhard Hasebrink, Susanne Bernhardt, and Imke Früh, eds., Semantik der Gelassenheit: Generierung, Etablierung, Transformation [Semantics of detachment: Formation, establishment, transformation] Silke Schwandt Beyond the Untranslatability of Concepts A Review of Martin J. Burke and Melvin Richter, eds., Why Concepts Matter: Translating Social and Political Thought László Kontler Emotional Modernities A Review of Ute Frevert, Monique Scheer, Anne Schmidt, Pascal Eitler, Bettina Hitzer, Nina Verheyen, Benno Gammerl, Christian Bailey, and Margrit Pernau, Gefühlswissen: Eine lexikalische (...)
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    The limitations of structural priming are not the limits of linguistic theory.David Adger - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Branigan & Pickering (B&P) present a case that linguistic theory should pay heed to the results of structural priming studies. I can agree with this wholeheartedly. Since the pioneering work of Bock (Reference Bock1986), structural priming has provided interesting evidence for the construction of linguistic representations as part of the process of sentence generation and understanding. B&P are somewhat ambivalent on the question of whether linguistic theory should pay heed only to structural priming (as seems implied in the abstract) (...)
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank Yates (...)
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    Die Sophisten: ihr politisches Denken in antiker und zeitgenössischer Gestalt.Barbara Zehnpfennig (ed.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Die Sophisten waren und sind umstritten. In der Zeit des Perikles, der Hochblüte der griechischen Kultur, als Wanderlehrer in Griechenland tätig, bewirkten sie mit ihrer Lehrtätigkeit, welche die verschiedensten Wissensgebiete umfasste, einen grundlegenden Blickwandel: Ihre Befassung mit Erkenntnistheorie, Rhetorik und Politik lenkte den Blick vom Kosmos zurück auf den Menschen. Indem sie den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihres Denkens stellten, ja ihn sogar zum Maß aller Dinge erklärten, wendeten sie sich zugleich gegen die traditionelle Sittlichkeit, die in der Regel religiös (...)
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    Toward a cognitive psychology of syntax: Information processing contributions to sentence formulation.J. Kathryn Bock - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (1):1-47.
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    Framing sentences.K. Bock - 1990 - Cognition 35 (1):1-39.
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    From conceptual roles to structural relations: Bridging the syntactic cleft.Kathryn Bock, Helga Loebell & Randal Morey - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (1):150-171.
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    Persistent structural priming from language comprehension to language production☆☆☆.K. BocK, G. Dell, F. Chang & K. Onishi - 2007 - Cognition 104 (3):437-458.
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  46. Beyond Equality and Difference: Citizenship, Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity.Gisela Bock & Susan James (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    Historically, as well as more recently, women's emancipation has been seen in two ways: sometimes as the `right to be equal' and sometimes as the `right to be different'. These views have often overlapped and interacted: in a variety of guises they have played an important role in both the development of ideas about women and feminism, and the works of political thinkers by no means primarily concerned with women's liberation. The chapters of this book deal primarily with the meaning (...)
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    Contributions of the biometrical approach to individual differences in personality measures.R. Darrell Bock & Michele F. Zimowski - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):17-18.
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    Conceptual accessibility and syntactic structure in sentence formulation.J. Kathryn Bock & Richard K. Warren - 1985 - Cognition 21 (1):47-67.
  49.  44
    Closed-class immanence in sentence production.Kathryn Bock - 1989 - Cognition 31 (2):163-186.
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    Learning, life history, and productivity.John Bock - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (2):161-197.
    This article introduces a new model of the relationship between growth and learning and tests a set of hypotheses related to the development of adult competency using time allocation, anthropometric, and experimental task performance data collected between 1992 and 1997 in a multiethnic community in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Building on seminal work in life history theory by Hawkes, Blurton Jones and associates, and Kaplan and associates, the punctuated development model presented here incorporates the effects of both growth and learning (...)
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